Mobile Tech Shop

Don’t Kill Your Day!

Order a Technician as Easily as Ordering Pizza!

Gone are the days of sacrificing your plans to take your technology to the repair shop. We send the tech shop to you! Now, you can order a technician as easily as ordering delivery, and the technician will drive a Mobile Tech Shop to you!

Our Menu

Installation & Setup

1-9 Workstations


  • • Unboxing
  • • Installation
  • • Software Installation & Setup
  • • Software Updates
  • • System Immunization
10+ Workstations
  • Includes:
  • • Unboxing
  • • Installation
  • • Software Installation & Setup
  • • Software Updates
  • • System Immunization

1-9 Servers


• Unboxing

• Installation

• Software Installation & Setup

• Software Updates

• System Immunization

10+ Servers


• Unboxing

• Installation

• Software Installation & Setup

• Software Updates

• System Immunization

Software Solutions

Network Solutions

Security Systems

Diagnostics & Repairs

Maintenance & Updates

Web, App, & Software Solutions

Web Design, Development, & Hosting

App Design, Development, & Deployment

Custom Software Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

AI Agents

AI Pipelines

Inventory, Marketing, & Sales Solutions

LTTG Retailer System (LTTGRS)
